At Nirbelo, we are committed to providing our customers with the finest organic cigarettes. Our products are created with a blend of natural herbs that are free of harmful chemicals, additives, and preservatives. We understand the harmful effects of traditional tobacco products and wanted to offer a healthier alternative.

Our journey began with the aim of creating a product that is environmentally conscious and beneficial to our customers. Our passion for organic farming led us to source the best ingredients from sustainable farms around the world. Our dedication to quality ensures that our customers receive a premium product that is safe and effective.

We take pride in our eco-friendly packaging that is recyclable and biodegradable. Our products are crafted with care, keeping in mind the needs of our customers. We believe that every individual deserves a healthy lifestyle, and our organic cigarettes are a step towards achieving that.

We strive to be a company that is socially responsible, environmentally conscious, and ethically driven. Our commitment to transparency ensures that our customers are informed about our processes and ingredients. Our goal is to provide our customers with a natural, healthy, and satisfying smoking experience.

Choose Nirbelo for a mindful smoking experience that prioritizes your health and well-being.

Mr. Natubhai Bhavsar

Message from Our Founder

I started my career as a Tobacco Manufacturer & Merchant and used to manufacture Tobacco Bidi like a Cigarette. After some serious health problem caused by frequent smoking of Bidi & Cigarette, I realized that I needed to put all my experience in developing something for the world that is truly tobacco & nicotine-free, and yet would give the same joy and feeling of smoking. The task was tough but with zeal to give me & to the world a unique product, I researched for years the ancient science of Ayurveda, an ancient Indian science of healing.

Out of that research came “Nirdosh,” a true herbal product where each stick is hand made, following the learnings from “Charak Samhita” – an ancient text on Ayurveda. It was made from natural ingredients such as:

• Basil • Clove • Liquorice • Turmeric • Gangal • Tenduleaves

• Indian Cinnamon • Bishops Weed • Indian Badellium


A Product Free From Nicotine, Tobacco & Worry

Nirdosh helps the body’s defence mechanism against diseases – Nirdosh is real rejuvenation. Nirdosh acts beneficially on all system especially on gastrointestinal & respiratory systems on the gastrointestinal tract. where it relieves belching, bloating & constipation. It relieves symptoms of sinusitis & bronchitis because of such holistic benefits, demand for Nirdosh is increasing by leaps and bounds not only in India but even in developed countries

Nirdosh Herbal Filter Dhoompan is well recommended by doctors, vaidyas and various research institute worldwide.

I have been using “NIRDOSH” for 25 years and I felt the above-mentioned effects in my body. I ask you to experience the same benefits by using “NIRDOSH” in your life & to kindly let me know your experience so that we can improve and carry our Nirdosh further to the world together.